Your Correct Fuel Mix

Your Correct Fuel Mix

Food provides us with the mixture of nutrients or “Fuel” that the cells in our body need to function correctly. Not eating for right for our Metabolic Type is like putting diesel in a petrol car.

It might run but it will not run at all well. We all need to know what our right fuel mix, as we are all as different on the inside as we are on the outside. Eating correctly for our type is not just for health, well being, but for life itself.

A correct intake of the right nutritional mix that is specific to “your” Metabolic Type will allow you to lose body fat, stabilise blood sugar levels, balance hormones, improve your immune system helping you develop optimal health, energy, moods and general wellbeing.

If you are eating outside of your type you can experience trouble with weight loss or you could gain unwanted body fat,  feel generally flat, have hormone imbalance, moody and lacking in energy.

As individuals our bodies have over time developed a genetic structure that forms the bases of the correct mix of proteins, fats & oils and carbohydrates that feed “your” cells with the proper nutritional mix for good cellular function and health.

Eating a well-balanced diet is easier when you have a clear understanding of your Metabolic Type. A questioner determines your Metabolic Type with the results showing if you are a Mixed Type, Carbo Type or a Protein Type.

Once your type has been determined you will then be able to eat the correct proportions of carbohydrates, proteins and fats/oils.

This will feed your cells the right mix and they will be able to function better as they will be getting the balance of nutrients that they require due to their genetic makeup.

Eating the right spread or mix of carbohydrates, proteins and fats/oils can be easily done by splitting your food plate into percentages with the right makeup of the carbohydrates, proteins and fats/oils for you.

The general suggested rule for the different types and the proportion or spread in percentages of carbohydrates, proteins and fats/oils for these is;

Protein Types

Protein types are fast oxidisers, they burn calories fast. They tend to be frequently hungry, crave fatty, salty foods, fail with low-calorie diets, and tend towards fatigue when not eating for their type.

Protein types should eat diets that are rich in protein, fats and oils. High-purine proteins such as organic meats, pate, beef liver, chicken liver, and beef. Carbo intake should be low and generally should have a low GI value.

Above the ground carbs such as green vegetables like beans and broccoli are good to eat as they tend to be lower on the GI scale.

Carbo Types

Carbo types are slow oxidisers. They tend to burn calories slower. They generally have relatively weak appetites, a high tolerance for sweets, and problems with weight management when they have too much protein for their type.

Carbo types should eat diets that are high in carbohydrates and low in protein, fats, and oils. They should eat light meats that are generally low-purine. Carbo types can often get away with more starchy foods that protein types.

Mixed Types

Mixed types are neither fast or slow oxidisers. They generally have average appetites; cravings for sweets and starchy foods and can manage both light and heavier meats and should eat a mixture of these.

This type requires relatively equal ratios of proteins made of a mixture of high and low purine based proteins, (meats), fats, and carbohydrates that include starchy and vfibrous vegetables.

Another important fact when eating for your Metabolic Type is that all food selections should come from quality whole food choices. Processed foods should be avoided due the wide range of chemicals used in the processing of them.

Organic and or free range is also a recommended choice and is much better for our bodies due to the healthier growing methods.

Organic and free range meats, eggs and other produce are farmed and grown in a more natural environment creating a higher density of nutrient levels and with meats they have a much lower stress level in their lifecycle and have not been grown with added hormones and other unnatural additives.

The Metabolic Typing Diet: by William Wolcott (Author), Trish Fahey (Author)

Things You Can Do

Have your Metabolic Type assessment with Michelle to find out your type and how best you can eat for your good health

  • Eat quality whole foods
  • Hydrate well with pure and natural filtered water
  • Choose organic and or free range protein where possible
  • Stay away from processed and refined foods
  • Practice the 6 Foundation Life Principles – Remember; One mans food is another man’s poison!
  • Eat for your Metabolic Type

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Michelle Owen

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