Why Cosmic Radiance?

Why Cosmic Radiance?

When the more difficult things in life’s journey present themselves, like doors banging closed; it suddenly creates a change.

DIS-ease may occur, either emotionally, mentally, physically or spiritually, and at the point of ‘I don’t know where to go or what to do’. This may be when you need someone to guide you on your journey to enhanced intuition.

By shifting to a new level of awareness, the soul re-awakens to remember what it originally knew to be true; but in this process, it often needs to create new attributes for the body it lives in to hold this new energy.

“The dam can’t hold back the pressure forever without a lot of maintenance”.

Often you hear a person say ‘I am feeling so lost and alone’ but at the same time you observe them experiencing incredible ‘Ah‑hah’ awakenings but they just can’t recognise them as ‘a gift’ because at this point, they are lost in the ego’s void.

Your guides have been with you since childhood Pip and are quite playful. There is much you can learn from them if you learn to be still. Make time to listen.

Warmest wishes. Jeanette (Wilson) Spiritual teacher and Medium. 2006

I believe this is why so many cultures have ‘spiritual guides’ in the form of Witch Doctors, Shamans, Priests, Monks, Mediums, etc., to support the awakening soul, to help point out life’s synchronicities so that change can be easier for one and all.

This supportive role helps the soul to safely transition to the next stage of evolution where the old body can choose to shed the ‘excess limitations from itself’ to create a lighter, easier one to move forward in.

Just like a butterfly, we need to shake off old aspects of self. To enable transitional change, through new awakenings, to be more incredible, so we can fly higher.

So Why Would We Want To Embark On This Journey?

By learning how to shift through fears and worries, you find that each step you take becomes easier. By accepting ourselves more, we get the chance to feel what life really can be and is; through feelings of Love, Compassion, Joy, Passion and Gratitude.

The aim of the Cosmic Radiance is to learn to be all that we can be and to know we have access to the right tools to help ourselves.

Re-remember that energetically we are all interconnected and we are all amazing beings of colourful light, so allow your-self to be held in [God’s / Creator’s / Universe’s] colourful embrace.

Know all is OK, you are OK, and we are all OK.

So What Is The Answer?

Well, one key is to identify a peaceful place within ourselves, (however tiny it seems) and then breathe in love to your heart and tell yourself repeatedly:

“I am safe; I feel peaceful and loved. I am OK.”

By creating a sense of awareness through repetitive positive thoughts means you give yourself permission to let go of any fear that has made you feel stuck within the ego’s void. All you need to do is realise that you can do it and ‘It is possible’. This is where a mentor can hold you safely in that process. Allowing yourself ‘to be’ within this process is a gift you can learn with the right nurturing support around you.

Allow space for peace within … and more peace will follow

The next key is the alignment of the heart with the stomach and head, and when you understand what you truthfully feel then you really know it. It just is.

You know you are on the right track when you can feel more peaceful and life flows easier. More space for abundant manifestation occurs and all of a sudden everything starts to make sense.

The key is to find your creative passion

Who Am I? Answer These Questions:

What is my need?

What is my passion?

What keeps me alive?

What is my goal?

Now ask yourself these questions to establish your creative gift:

What holds me back from living healthily, happily and abundantly?

How could I make my life easier and create a positive change?

Be aware of what you ask for, because you may just get it. If you put a call out to the universe for change and it happens then why recoil or rebuff it? Instead, embrace it with love and be the magician in your life to create the positive by expanding loving energy in the way you think, act, work and be. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful way to be? Yes! Then go for it.

You know, I get that things happen for a reason and sometimes many reasons, but why is it we have to let life get us down as that change occurs?

When will we start to realise that change is happening all the time anyway? Energetic re-alignment within the universal law shows everything is OK. So, rather than fight the re-alignment learn to go with the flow and embrace it instead. It just is too hard otherwise.

Firstly, we need to recognise what it is we truly need, to create the change we seek. Then hold light in the chaos with focused inner wisdom and allow yourself to see the truth with the energetic re-alignment.

Remember many do their best to create chaos to entertain themselves, some because they need to control power over others as they lack love in themselves. However this takes a lot of energy to maintain and inevitably that behaviour will implode. But that’s OK; it just “IS”.

So I Will Ask:

  • What is your name?
  • Where do you live?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What do you love to do?
  • When you hear your answers, accept them…because…YOU are this person!
“I am supported on my journey through [God / Creator / Universal Energy], always have been and always will be”

About The Author

I was born into a family of card readers and mediums, healers and board game players, my grandfather a Master chess player. I guess there was no escaping the fact that I have found myself doing what I was born to do .

Through my varied life experiences, nursing and midwifery courses, I eventually learnt how to ‘find me’ through conscious and heart-based education. Old experiences leave a huge gap and it wasn’t until I filled the gap with love and kindness for me did I realise it was me who should have come first all along. I’m now in the best state to help myself and others achieve, through persistence. I offer hope to those who flounder … as I know, anything is possible.

“You don’t have to be a goody-goody to help people” aka Zelda

As healers, intuitives, psychics and creatives come in all shapes and sizes so does what we offer. We don’t fit in perceived “boxes” and we recognise that everyone has the capacity to develop their natural talents to be the best they can be if they choose.

Have fun in Discovering your Rainbow.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Philippa OxladePhilippa Joy Oxlade – Spiritual Success Mentor

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