Wellness, Wellbeing – It’s a Balancing Act. Your Wellbeing Compass


“The state of being in good health, especially as an actively pursued goal.“ (Definition from the Oxford Dictionary)

After experiencing corporate burnout, and adrenal collapse and a range of other health issues, Neroli Jones, founder of Paradigm Switch began to investigate the true meaning of wellness and all that it entails.

For her, stress was the root of the cause – both at work and at home. Years of long hours, unhealthy relationships and corporate stress, had taken their toll on her body and soul.

She started to make some healthy changes, such as quitting her job and taking time out to heal but it wasn’t until she had exhausted traditional western medicine minus results, that she began to venture further afield.

A myriad of alternative and preventative health therapies for mind, body and spirit were uncovered, tried and tested, to ultimately change her life.

A full sabbatical adventure followed, leading Neroli into the Australian outback; this coupled with a personal journey of going deep within, eventually propelled her into developing the Wellbeing Compass tool.

The Compass approach that enables people to strengthen each area within their own personal wellness spectrum, has since helped hundreds across the country, to find their own path while repairing fundamental, personal wellness ‘imbalances’.

What Is The Wellbeing Compass?

The Wellbeing Compass is an established tool that embraces the 4 pillars of our holistic wellbeing: Mental, Emotional, Physical and Purposeful.

As part of the process in developing the Wellbeing Compass, Neroli identified an often-overlooked element to the whole wellness picture – emotional health, resilience and response. This was frequently the area that could totally de-stabilise, or even derail the pathway to getting well.

Feelings of overwhelm, being dispirited and despairing when in unwellness can be incredibly isolating and lonely often exacerbating physical symptoms.

If our feelings are not addressed, it becomes incredibly difficult to truly get on top of the physical symptoms, to influence improvements in our health. It spirals as a kind of negative loop and breaking through that pattern usually begins with adjusting our emotions. The rest flows from there.

Neroli reveals that only when each of the 4 pillars of life comes into balance, can a person truly experience wellbeing or wellness.

With this in mind, she set about finding the very best practitioners in their field. It was her intention that others could experience a much easier pathway to wellbeing.

By empowering them with the Wellbeing Compass tool, individuals can become more aware about the hidden influences in their lives, and those that were contributing to imbalance.

With a simple questionnaire, people are directed to the areas of their personal wellbeing compass that requires attention. Because the four quadrants are linked, a positive change in any one particular quadrant will support and improve all the others.

After completion of the Wellbeing Compass people are guided to a range of options and the practitioners that specialise in that area.

A paradigm is a pattern. Understanding our current patterns and taking a step-by-step approach to changing those patterns for the better can make all the difference.

Giant leaps are usually unrealistic and daunting; it’s making the small improvements as we go, that will direct us to feeling stronger and clearer” advises Neroli.

Paradigm Switch only selects practitioners that have been thoroughly vetted and researched. They take pride in the number of diverse therapies available and the high standards maintained.

Physical therapies include Pilates, yoga, naturopathy and EFT,

Emotional – kinesiology, counselling, coaching and energetic healing

Mental – meditation and mindfulness

Purpose training – intuitive counselling, expert leadership coaching and strength and resilience mentoring.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

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