Ways A Garden Could Improve Your Mental Health

Garden Could Improve Your Mental Health

When we’re younger, thinking about our future homes, most of us picture a large flowing garden, with luscious green grass, pretty flowers in all different colours, toys for our imaginary children and even a water feature.

When we’re older, our dreams might become slightly more realistic and in line with both our budget and the amount of effort we want to make, but a garden still feature on many a Wishlist when it comes to looking for a new house.

There are many advantages to having a garden. A safe outside space can give you a place to relax and exercise. It can make you feel more creative and alert. A garden can also be a fantastic place to entertain friends and family, and even to cook new and exciting meals.

Within all of these advantages is the effect that it could have on your mental health.

Taking care of your mental health is an essential part of living a healthy and happy life. It’s as important as your physical health, and yet so few of us give it the time and consideration that it needs.

We work ourselves into the ground looking after other people. We’re stressed out, we’re working long hours, and we’re tired. We are always trying our best for other people, and our own mental health gets neglected.

Spending time in your garden is an easy way to give your mental health a boost.

It’ll Help You To Relax

Your garden can be a fantastic, peaceful space. Where you can relax and unwind at the end of a long day. It can be a place to sit and think, or to let your mind clear.

Your garden is a great place to enjoy a glass of wine and a good book, as you hide from the stresses of real life.

Fill your garden with flowers that you find soothing, like Peonies. Stick to plants with delicate scents, but don’t be scared of colour.

You might also want to add a water feature. Many people find that the sound of running water is exceptionally relaxing, even if it’s just the gentle trickle of a small fountain.

If you’ve got kids, and a garden filled with toys and mud, it can be hard to imagine creating a relaxing space. But, it’s still possible. Create zones in your garden. Let your kids have their own space to play and to make a mess. But, keep an area separate for yourself.

Gardening Is Great Exercise

Gardening can be great fun. Hours will pass as you sit outside tending to your plants and digging up weeds. But, it’s also a fantastic exercise. A good hours gardening burns calories and boosts your muscles.

It will also boost your mental health by helping your brain to release endorphins and serotonin, which will make you feel happy and calm.

It Gives You Something To Care About

One of the best things about gardening is that it gives you something to focus on and rewards you for your efforts. When you put so much hard work into your garden, you start to care about it.

Seeing the results of your hard work can give your mood an incredible boost. You’ll get a fantastic sense of achievement which can boost your confidence as well as your mood. It’ll also stop you from being bored.

Sunshine & Daylight

Being sat inside all of the time can lead to depression and other mental health issues. Being indoors all of the time, and not getting enough natural light and vitamin D is bad for your physical and mental health. You can quickly start to feel grumpy, tired and moody.

Getting outside in your garden, even for just a few minutes a day can help you to get more natural sunlight and fresh air. This is especially useful if you work long hours inside.

It Can Help You To Meet New People

Mental health issues are isolating. If you are struggling, you can cut yourself off from the rest of the world. You might find that you stop seeing your friends and family and that this only makes things worse.

Unfortunately, the modern world is somewhat isolating even for those of us not battling mental health issues. We spend our spare time sat at a computer or on our phone.

We have more contact with people online than we do real people, and you might find that you go full days without seeing another person.

Your garden gives you a way to speak to people. You’ll chat to neighbours over your garden fence. You’ll talk to people while you are out shopping for plants, and you’ll have a new interest that gives you more to talk about when you do meet people.

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