Transforming Wounds Through Pauses – Planting A Seed

Transforming Wounds

As I have expanded my horizons, I have had some questioning of my own theories, perceptions and my own truths. At times, situations give me reason to pause. These pauses are always a positive occurrence.

A pause gives a being an opportunity to do an inventory of their own beliefs, their own truths, and their patterns much like a business would.

An opportunity to restock with new character attributes, discard old belief patterns and see what is working and what is not.

I have always turned to a place of silence to examine things that cause a pause. I have always felt that your own inner sacredness is really where your true identity lies.

The inward soul or identity of who you are is really all you have. When everything else is stripped away, the soul is what remains.

The answers that I find in this sacred space within offer something that is not found, at least for me, anywhere else. I know that each being walks their own path, has their own perceptions, their own experiences, and their own truths.

All of my answers the real answers that I seek have never been found within another human being. The answers have always come from this sacred space within the flow of the Universe.

Other human beings have their own perceptions based upon their own experiences and their own truths.

The structure of my sacred space, the architecture of my soul’s existence, has been built up from the foundation. This time around, that foundation has been built through the experiences that I have had in both the physical and spiritual worlds. It is my foundation.

It is based upon the code of ethics that have been mandated by my inner sacredness that I live by. These mandates are based upon my experiences. For example, I do not trust easily or blindly. Trust is earned and once broken is difficult to be rebuilt.

If someone breaks that trust, I can forgive them. That forgiveness has no bearing on whether I trust them again. Why is this mandate in my personal code of ethics?   From experiences of trusting blindly. From experiences of trusting naively.

I see my sacredness within as my own spirit lodge. A spirit lodge does many things. It protects and shields a being from the physical manifestations of a storm, yet it can burn the spirit to cleanse it from that which plagues it.

The power of the spirit lodge is that gives you the force of your will and intent in all that you do. The force of your power comes from your integrity of your purpose and the balance found between the body and mind. The will comes from nurturing of the physical body.

In going into this sacred space within to pause and reflect upon the reason for my pause. One thing that became clear to me is that an act of power comes from a place of passion found deep within you. Any action is a complete expression of who you are in the world.

The mandates that a person lives by comes from a place of truth for them, a place of responsibility for them, a place of impeccability for them, and a place of intuition for them.

The key is that beings impeccability is an individual area of strength that comes from the flame of passion within and this flame maintains a beings power and intent.

My flame that burns within my center is indicative of my capabilities and effectiveness in my destiny. My impeccability comes from the attention I give to my sacred space within the soul within me.

It is not the same flame, nor the same destiny, will, intent or even the same power of anyone else. We are all like explorers or pilgrims on this journey into the unknown.

We may share the same rock to pause upon and gaze at the beautiful architecture in the universe; but the receptive void within will take the seed given and create their own perceptions with it. No two creations the same.

When you open yourself up to this unknown path, many things that are unfamiliar come to you.

The energy from each of these experiences can and will flow into you and can either obstruct the current or defeat you or you can become the energy current and see where it leads you to.

The innocence that comes with experiencing something for the first time should be treasured for their will never is another innocent moment to be receptive to.

In the end of every experience you need to make a commitment to remain focused and true to the sacredness within.

Making a commitment of walking the journey through the gateway was easy. It was a simple process of gathering a gathering of intent, purpose, destiny and a gathering of strength.

The commitment does not end with simply walking through some gateway. It is a long journey that follows which gives you the endurance to have the integrity to be true to self. The journey is really another step in defining who that sacred being within is.

It is a true act of power to step out on your own when you are following your own mandates. But is there where you can materialize your dreams and live them.

This journey is really about a transformation. It is transforming from being a receptive vessel to being a transmitting power. In transmitting power one becomes part of the flow instead of within the flow.

I am grateful that situations consistently arise to cause a pause. My own illuminations reveal other perceptions and experiences. They do not change my own mandates, my own destiny and purposes are different for each being.

My own destinies and dreams are my own passions. Each one has their own hoops to go through, their own lessons to learn, and their own transformations.

When I can move into what fears the most or angers the most, I come face to face with the greatest teacher of all. That teacher is the wounds that caused the fears and angers.

The secret is to learn to plant seeds in the wound and harvest them into a state of perfect sacredness within and transforming a wound into an area of power.

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Carla Goddard

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