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Tag: Vibrational Healing

A New View For The World

Message From The Whispers In The Winds: A New View For The World

It has come to be that most see the world in a linear manner.  A polarity based duality that is purely analytical, competitive in...
Psychic Reading

Psychic Reading – What Is It?

Everything in the universe has an ‘energy vibration’ and even though that vibration cannot be seen with the human eye, it still exists and...


Gone are the days where crystals are only used by fortune tellers, hippies and gypsies, these days they’re used in anything from high end...
Change The World

Collectively – We Can Change The World

Everything in the entire Universe is comprised of energy ie. Everything has an ‘energy vibration’ therefore everything is alive. This includes plants, animals, Planet...

We Are The Lightworkers – Awakening To Our Sacred Purpose

I awoke one morning in February with the beginning of this short essay already ‘in my ears’ as if someone was speaking them to...