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Tag: Stress

Stress & The Immune System

Stress & The Immune System

Having a healthy immune system means the difference between staying well, and being predisposed to picking-up any of the infections and illnesses that are...
Relieve Stress

How Kinesiology Can Help Relieve Stress & Tension?

Kinesiology is a healing modality that looks at the body as a whole. That includes not only your physical body but also your mental,...
Managing Stress – One Breath At A Time

Managing Stress – One Breath At A Time

Stress is to the body what global warming is to the planet, and just as there are those who can find a way to...

Stress, Anxiety, Anger And Depression Is Now A New World Epidemic

You wake up in the morning feeling your body heavy and tired before you even get out of bed. The mind is playing havoc...
stress free

5 Ways To Enjoy The Holiday Season. Stress Free Xmas

How do you have a stress free xmas was a question I asked Pru Proctor this week. She is one of our holistic health...