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Tag: Self Love


Freedom From Fixed Opinions

Here's a question: do you consider yourself a control freak? A good indicator is if you are completely full of fixed opinions. If you're not...

The Doorway Within To Your Truth

If you are a seeker of the truth, you will need to have a plan: a way, a path that will take you to...

Meditation – I Can Not Go To The Forest Or Ocean – What Now?

In the hectic, fast paced lives we live in, meditation can be more of a distractions then the quietness of inner solace. It can...
Losing My Mind

Am I Losing My Mind? Is It REAL Or IMAGINED?

Oh the many times I have asked myself that question. I can’t see it, touch it, hear it so how can it be real? ...
self love

Self Love – The Key To Your Success

Every one of your thoughts is comprised of ‘energy’ and has the ability to manifest into physical form. In other words, every negative thought, fear...