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Tag: Self Love

Fit As You Age

Feel Happy Feel Inspiration & Get Connected

Inspiration what does that word mean to you? What and who inspires you? I looked up Wikipedia and it said, “Inspiration (from the Latin word inspirare, meaning...
Love Yourself

Do You Love Yourself? Health & Wellness Tips

I have always been somebody who has worked really hard and never given themselves time to have a break. I saw myself as a...

How Does Your Behavior Affect Your Children? 3 Ways To Get Your Children To...

Your children are listening and learning from you constantly whether you think they are or not. Your behaviour affects your children's behaviour because they...

Are You Too Busy To Help Yourself? Are You Going To Burnout?

So many of us are very busy people. We have so much pressure on us every day to get things gone. Many of us...
self criticism

Self Criticism. How To Reduce That Negative Self Talk

Sometime a bit of self criticism can help us. We can use it as a tool to motivate us. For example you can use...