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Health & Wellness Tips. 9 Steps To Keeping Calm Under Stress

In the world today life itself can be so stressful. We seem to have so much more to do and less time to do...
Meditation Made Simple

3 Steps To Meditation. Meditation Made Simple.

Many people find meditation when they are unwell. I had a friend who was diagnosed with cancer and it was only then that she...
Gratitude Journal

Nourish Your Adrenals And Experience Zest In Your Life!

If you’ve ever lacked motivation, had low energy and no drive to get up and go then there is a good chance that your...
Transforming Wounds

Transforming Wounds Through Pauses – Planting A Seed

As I have expanded my horizons, I have had some questioning of my own theories, perceptions and my own truths. At times, situations give...

Sleep, Everyone Needs It! – Not Everyone Gets Enough

How much sleep? At least 6 hours each night. In order to have optimal health you must be able to switch your brain off...