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Tag: Relaxation


Rolfing Or SI – What Is It?

Structural Integration (S.I), also known as Rolfing® is a form of bodywork based on the teaching of Ida P. Rolf. S.I is extremely effective in...

Reflexology – What Is It?

Reflexology (zone therapy) is an alternative medicine method by using the physical act of applying pressure to the feet and hand with specific thumb,...
Mobile Massage

Mobile Massage – What Is It?

Mobile massage is offered by some practitioners who will travel to clients home and/or workplace. It is a great service to offer firstly for the...

Meditation – What Is It?

Meditation is a discipline by which the practitioner attempts to get beyond the thinking mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Mediation is...
Thai Massage

Thai Massage – What Is It?

Thai massage is a type of massage in Thai style that involves stretching and deep massage. This form of bodywork is usually performed on...