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Tag: Positive Mindset

Can Your Beliefs Really Change

Your Life Story. Can Your Beliefs Really Change?

All of us have a story that we tell ourselves and others about why our lives have turned out the way they have. With...
Mindset for authors

Mindset For Authors

I’m currently working on a book called Mindset for Authors: How to overcome procrastination, perfectionism, and self-doubt. I’m writing the book because apparently less...
Cognitive Bias

How Can Cognitive Bias Affect Your Life?

Almost all articles in this edition of Holistic Living Magazine follow a similar path; a definition of a belief, some examples of them, a discussion...
What Are Beliefs

What Are Beliefs?

In other editions of Holistic Living Magazine, we have gone into many subjects about health and wellbeing. This edition is about beliefs. So what...
what are beliefs and values

What Are Beliefs And Values?

WHAT ARE BELIEFS AND VALUES? HOLISTIC LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 9 JUNE 2017 Editor in Chief Sharon White Editor at Large Cassandra Jones Layout Artist Francisco Mendoza III If you...