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Tag: Positive Mindset

Staying Fit

Staying Fit & Fabulous Through Winter

Yes its cold and Yes, unfortunately winter is here to stay for another few months. Boo Hoo! Instead of camping on the couch and...
Be The Change

Be The Change – Transform Now

Throughout my years, being a personal trainer and working with individuals to help them change their bad habits and form strong new healthy ones,...
how to improve your immune system

Do You Ask… Why Can’t I Lose Weight?

Lots of people on a weight loss journey ask "Why can't I lose weight?" but have you thought hard about why you may find...

My Key To A Busy Life – PLANNING!

"You know what honey, some days you've got to take the Super Woman cape off." An often heard plea from my husband as I run...

Live Every Day Of Your Life

I came across a quote today that really made an impact on me -”Live every day of your life“. I can’t remember the name...