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Tag: Positive Mindset

The Art Of Living Joyfully

It seems that whatever way we turn there are people hurting at the moment: jobs have been lost, relationships are ending, perhaps a loved...

Meditation – What Is It?

Meditation is a discipline by which the practitioner attempts to get beyond the thinking mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. Mediation is...
Start Now To Live Longer

Start Now To Live Longer

How do you see yourself ageing? Close your eyes and think of yourself in 20/30/40 years from now. What do you look like? How...
Make Wealthy Your Healthy

Make Wealthy Your Healthy

Quite often I hear stories or read a book or paper about how people get wealthy and how wealthy people treat their money. They usually...
slave to numbers

Slave To Numbers

Are you a slave to numbers? Yep, we’re talking number on scales, constant calorie counting of food ‘on’ versus what you exercise ‘off’. It’s...