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Tag: Positive Mindset

Living By Magic

Living By Magic

Wilhelm is my Austrian friend. Tall and stout, with a heavy accent and infectious smile, he is one of those people who really know...
Meditation For Mother Earth & Humanity

Meditation For Mother Earth & Humanity

The state of the world we live in is anything but peaceful and loving.  There are so many places where the eruptions are happening,...
Conscious Intention

Conscious Intention Explained

What is your intended reality?  Intentions affect every aspect of your life.  If you desire to change your reality, it will always begin to...
Spiritual Leader

The Art Of Being A Spiritual Leader Despite Fear

What does it really mean to be a spiritual leader?  Is it speaking words of wisdom?  Is it preaching religious dogma?  Or is it...
How To Find Your Soul Mate Using The Law of Attraction

How To Find Your Soul Mate Using The Law of Attraction

Part of the Christian mythology about the creation of the universe is the story of the Garden of Eden. In this story, God created what...