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Tag: Positive Mindset

Accessing The Power Of Gratitude

Accessing The Power Of Gratitude [Benefits of Gratitude]

Practicing gratitude as a means to happiness has been in the mainstream for years. Do you know how to access the power of gratitude? Long-term...
What If Failure Was NOT An Option

What If Failure Was NOT An Option?

I posed a question on my Facebook page where I asked “If you knew you couldn’t fail what would your life be like?” The...
Appreciating Our Differences

Appreciating Our Differences

When I was a teenager, I remember questioning in my bible study class. My question pertained to the validity of Christianity. In other words...
Get Into Alignment! Align Your Energy

Get Into Alignment! Align Your Energy

When we first discover the Law of Attraction and the power we have to attract what we want, we often expect instantaneous results. Results...
Change Your Life though meditation

How To Change Your Life Through Meditation – You’ve Already Got What You Need...

Do you want to know how to change your life? It’s really very simple. Call it the place of pure potential, call it God,...