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Tag: Positive Mindset


Touched By Cancer. Going Into The Void. Gripped By Fear

Part 1 of 3 (Part 2 & 3 ) To avoid - The act or practice of withdrawing from something. Q: How often do we do this? A-void-dance...
Comfort Zone

The Journey Of Stepping Up & Moving Beyond The Comfort Zone

Just imagine your life is like a glass box. You can see outside it yet when you approach the perimeter you feel a restriction,...
Law of Attraction

Can The Law Of Attraction Help You Manage Or Even Reverse Diabetes?

You know that a healthy attitude and positive mindset can have a positive impact on your physical health. Science is proving the mind/body connection...

A Wish For Hope

Born into this world as a child, with imagination and dreams, full of hope, you ran and laughed as you thought about all of...
spark of the imagination

From Spark To Reality. Everything Was Once A Spark Of The Imagination

Everything around you started from an idea – a spark of the imagination. Many have come before us and many exist on the planet...