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Tag: Positive Mindset

Finding Balance

Soul Matters: Inner Housekeeping. Finding Balance

Weaving together energy and thoughts and putting them into words and action is what I thrive on. Constantly working on the balance between my...
Motivation Tips For Entrepreneurs

5 Motivation Tips For Entrepreneurs

Some of us are naturally creative peeps. Ideas, new designs, and projects come naturally to us. We are more focused and productive but, for...
Cancer & Emotions

Cancer & Emotions

When looking at disease in your body, it is not easy to pinpoint just one factor. When healing from any disease, especially cancer, you...

Mindset Management For Wellbeing

I’ve chosen to write about mindset because of the parallel between the fact that autoimmune conditions result from our immune system mistakenly attacking our...
autoimmune disease

Living With An Autoimmune Disease

LIVING WITH AN AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE HOLISTIC LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 3 DECEMBER 2015 Editor in Chief Sharon White Editor at Large Cassandra Jones Layout Artist Francisco Mendoza III If you...