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Tag: Mindfulness

Challenge Your Story!

Challenge Your Story!

S tories are the thoughts and beliefs that we convince ourselves are truth. We all have stories about the past, the present or the future....
Thinking Better

Feeling Better By Thinking Better

If you start thinking better you feel better and your brain performs better. It is generally accepted that through regular and practiced meditation, you are...
Walking The Labyrinth

Walking The Labyrinth

I love how when the time is right, it’s right!  I find it interesting as I write this article that, as the creator of...

3 Things You Can Do Straight Away To Raise Your Vibrations NOW

Are you happy with your life? Are you attracting the things in your life that you really want? Are you saying your affirmations daily...

Do You Listen To Your Body? A Journey To Health & Wellness

I know this seems like a funny question but did you know your body talks to you? It talks to you via your emotions...