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Tag: Mental Health

Reducing Noise Pollution

Creating Healthier Environment By Reducing Noise Pollution

Many people notice an inability to focus, irritation and general discomfort when living and working surrounded by noise. However, noise can often have more...
Alzheimer’s Disease

How Mindfulness & Meditation Help Battle Alzheimer’s Disease

Dealing with Alzheimer’s is a difficult task that can take a toll on the patient and all the people involved. It’s stressful to battle...

Examining The Link Between Oral & Mental Health

Tooth decay tops the list as the most common health concern in Australia according to the Australian Dental Association (ADA). This comes as no shock...
Chronic Illness

The Realities Of Living With A Chronic Illness

Waking up every day with an illness as your loyal companion is a really difficult experience, and that is exactly what people with chronic...
Wellness In The Workplace

How To Create More Space For Wellness In The Workplace

Do you make sure you implement wellness in the workplace? I make sure every morning to build in some space to set the tone...