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Tag: Meditation


Meditation – I Can Not Go To The Forest Or Ocean – What Now?

In the hectic, fast paced lives we live in, meditation can be more of a distractions then the quietness of inner solace. It can...

Hearing The Beat Of Your Own Drum

Question:  I have a hard time with doing a journey; can you recommend a drumming cd? Answer:  While I have a number of drumming cd’s...

Some Physical Health Benefits Of Meditation

Some Of The Physical Benefits Of Regular Meditation Are; Deep rest-as measured by decreased metabolic rate, lower heart rate, and reduced workload of the...
Meditative Medicine Journeys

Meditative Medicine Journeys

“Meditation is the expression of the intelligence that links life and form, the Self and the not self in Time and in the three...
Change Your Life though meditation

How To Change Your Life Through Meditation – You’ve Already Got What You Need...

Do you want to know how to change your life? It’s really very simple. Call it the place of pure potential, call it God,...