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Tag: Holistic Living Magazine

toxins on your body

Do You Really Know What Toxins You Are Putting Onto Your Body?

We have entered an age of unprecedented awareness about what is in our food and rightly so! With so much information readily available, knowing...

Stress, Anxiety, Anger And Depression Is Now A New World Epidemic

You wake up in the morning feeling your body heavy and tired before you even get out of bed. The mind is playing havoc...
Case Study On Depression

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds. Case Study On Depression

The knock on the door echoed and there she was bouncing into my life with a bubble and exuberance for life that was unmistakable...
Depression & The Greatness Principle

Depression & The Greatness Principle

Depression can be GREAT! In a world that is so very connected with technology, transport and fast/instant solutions, you would think we have more time,...

Finite To Infinite: Using Breath To Help Overcome Depression

“Breath regulates the energy of life, the quality of emotions, and the ability to direct the mind.”  - KRI Int’l Teacher Training Manual. It is...