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Tag: Holistic Living Magazine

Diabetes Type 2

What Can Heal Diabetes Type 2?

Having recently read Louise’ Hay’s definition of Diabetes, I was intrigued by her emotional definition of the disease and recommended affirmation. I then took her...
Comfort Zone

The Journey Of Stepping Up & Moving Beyond The Comfort Zone

Just imagine your life is like a glass box. You can see outside it yet when you approach the perimeter you feel a restriction,...
Law of Attraction

Can The Law Of Attraction Help You Manage Or Even Reverse Diabetes?

You know that a healthy attitude and positive mindset can have a positive impact on your physical health. Science is proving the mind/body connection...

A Wish For Hope

Born into this world as a child, with imagination and dreams, full of hope, you ran and laughed as you thought about all of...
healing after trauma

Sweetness Heals Beyond The Veil. Healing After Trauma

Too many years of trauma she’d experienced at the hands of a monster, there really could be no other way to describe him. In conversations...