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Tag: Holistic Living Magazine


Could Your Emotions Be Responsible For Rejuvenation Or Ageing?

Inner Conversations, Stress, Meditation & Rejuvenation Every day, every minute, our subconscious mind is having a conversation triggering emotions between our heart and our brain. The...
Peak Performance

Building The Immunity Of Your Mind For Peak Performance

When a computer has a virus on it, its performance is sabotaged. It runs slower and security breaches occur, as confidential information is syphoned-off....
Business immunity

Business Immunity. 5 Strategies To Make Your Business Strong & Thrive

Businesses are just like people. They need to be fed, they need to be active, they need to rest and recover, they generate waste,...

Do You Sabotage Your Immune System?

In writing this article, I wanted you, the reader, to see and feel things from a different perspective. I wanted to find the words...
Living Fermented Foods Are In. Dead Foods Are Out!

Living Fermented Foods Are In. Dead Foods Are Out!

There is a new food trend that’s bringing back the wisdom of our ancestors and making us healthier than we have been in years! ...