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Tag: Healthy Living

What Are Probiotics

What Are Probiotics?

Probiotics are the “friendly” bacteria that live within our bodies and assist us to live and lead a healthy life. Probiotics were defined as "live...
The 6 Life Principles

The 6 Life Principles

Our health comes down to a combination of actions associated with the 6 life principles that we do everyday without being very conscious of...
Healthy Homes Healthy Bodies

Healthy Homes Healthy Bodies

Stress accumulates in our body in many ways. Our body does not care about the difference between financial stress, relationship stress, and stress from...
You Are What You Eat

You Are What You Eat

Nothing else recharges our energy but the food that we eat. We cannot plug into a power point to recharge over night like a...
Slim Down For Summer

Slim Down For Summer

Many of us yearn to lose those few stubborn extra kilos we carry. But, the worst thing we can do to ourselves is to...