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Tag: Healthy Food

Alcohol And Your Health

Alcohol And Your Health

As confusing as it may seem, in small quantities, alcohol can be beneficial for health. But excess can produce so much damage, that any...
Primal Pattern

What Is Primal Pattern® Diet Typing?

A Primal Pattern® may be thought of in much the same way as an archetype in that it is a pattern elemental to all...
Lowering Cholesterol

Basic Guidelines To Lowering Cholesterol

Changing your eating habits can have a significant impact on reducing high cholesterol levels. In short; eat less saturated and trans fats. Dyslipidemia refers to...
Grains Of The Ancients

Power Packed Grains Of The Ancients

Quinoa Or Quinua (pronounced Keen-Wah) has been called “41 vegetable-caviar” or “Inca-rice”, and has been eaten continuously for 5,000 years by people who live...
Gluten-Free Fried Rice

Easy Meals: Healthy Gluten-Free Fried Rice

Sunday afternoon's are usually spent preparing the diary for the week ahead, relaxing with my partner (and cat!), watching a movie or recorded episodes...