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Tag: Healthy Food

Your Correct Fuel Mix

How Healthy Is Your Diet? Take This Quiz.

Do you eat healthy food all the time or are you driven by your sugar cravings? Balance is key in any lifestyle for good...
Chocolate Easter Eggs

Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Easter Eggs

Watching your sugar intake? You can still enjoy delicious chocolate Easter eggs. Make your own with love, using Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate...
Rocky Road

Rocky Road

For a healthier version of rocky road give this recipe a go. Ingredients: 200g Well Naturally Sugar Free Dark Chocolate Melts 45g sugar free marshmallows,...
Paleo diet

Is The Paleo Diet Just Another Fad?

Deborah Murtagh examines traditional diets and why the supermarket diet is killing us. Today she looks at the Paleo diet. There’s no secret the world...

Diabetes & Why I’m Confused

When Sharon and I first talked through this edition of Holistic Living Magazine and our experiences with Diabetes it was spookily similar; when growing...