Tag: Healthy Food
Dako Of Crete
Recipe from the book: Cooking & Eating Wisdom for Better Health (Balboa Press)
Dako Of Crete is the perfect dish as a mezze (appetizer) or a...
Eating High Vibrational Foods For Better Health
In ancient Greece they practiced ‘wisdom healing’: using food to nourish the mind, body and soul. “Let medicine be thy food and food thy...
Try Our 4 Week LHI Challenge & Make 2018 Your Healthiest Year Yet
What if I shared with you the greatest kept secret to experiencing permanent weight loss, increased energy and the dropping away of common symptoms...
The Low Carb Secret To Becoming A Yummy Mummy This Mother’s Day
Whether you’re looking to shift that persistent post-pregnancy paunch, eat more healthily on the go or just get back a bit of your old...
Lower Your Cancer Risk.
Use Food As Medicine According to Anand P. et al. (2008) ‘Only 5–10% of all cancer cases can be attributed to genetic defects, whereas the...