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Tag: Exercise


Posture – More Than Just Standing Up Straight!

As soon as I speak of posture people want to sit up straight. Unfortunately this does not last more than a moment. Poor posture...

My Philosophy To Maintaining Great Health Part 5 – Exercise

You get amazing health benefits from exercise - Regular exercise can help protect you from heart disease and stroke, high blood pressure, noninsulin-dependent diabetes,...
Make Wealthy Your Healthy

Make Wealthy Your Healthy

Quite often I hear stories or read a book or paper about how people get wealthy and how wealthy people treat their money. They usually...
The Zen Swing

The Zen Swing: A Simple Way To Cultivate Healing Life-Force

The zen Swing is a chi (life-force) cultivating exercise given to me by way of my soul so that I may share it with...
Create A Flat Stomach

Create A Flat Stomach

I am asked on a daily basis "How do I flatten my tummy" or "How do I get a strong core" and I thought...