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Tag: Energy

Change Your Energy

Change Your Energy. Change Your Health.

I have written about energy and how to change your energy many times before and this is a carry on from my opening article...


Some articles just flow, research is done, words written and pop, there it is. Some articles start from my editing and reading of the...

Energy, Consciousness & Health

Welcome back to our latest edition of Holistic Living Magazine : Energy and Defining Consciousness. I think the topic for this edition is very...
Defining Consciousness

Energy And Defining Consciousness

ENERGY AND DEFINING CONSCIOUSNESS HOLISTIC LIVING MAGAZINE ISSUE 8 MARCH 2017 Editor in Chief Sharon White Editor at Large Cassandra Jones Layout Artist Francisco Mendoza III If you want...
How Emotions Affect Self

How Emotions Affect Self

Emotions have been researched and discovered for many years, by doctors, psychologists, neuroscientists etc. There has been real curiosity about this subject, as it...