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Tag: Energy


Homeopathy – What Is It?

Homeopathy (also spelled homoeopathy or homœopathy) is a form of alternative medicine, first proposed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, that attempts to...
Feng Shui

Feng Shui – What Is It?

Feng shui is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one...
Energy Healing

Energy Healing – What Is it?

Energy medicine is one of five domains of “complementary and alternative medicine” (CAM) identified by the National Centre for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM)...
Colour Therapy

Colour Therapy – What Is It?

Chromotherapy, sometimes called colour therapy, colorology or cromatherapy, is an alternative medicine method. It is claimed that a therapist trained in chromotherapy can use color...
Energy Healing

Bowen Therapy – What Is It?

Bowen therapy was designed by Tom Bowen, born April 18 1916, died October 27 1982. He developed a remedial technique that was designed to...