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Reconnective Healing - What Is It

Reconnective Healing – What Is It?

Reconnective Healing® is a form of healing that is here on the planet for the very first time. It reconnects us to the fullness...

Qigong – What Is It?

Qigong (or ch'i kung) is an internal Chinese meditative practice that often uses slow graceful movements and controlled breathing techniques to promote the circulation...
Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing – What Is It?

Pranic  healing encompasses a broad array of therapeutic approaches, both ancient and modern, based on the notion that illnesses of body or mind involve...
Polarity Therapy

Polarity Therapy – What Is It?

Polarity therapy is an alternative medicine health system developed in the 1940's by Randolph Stone. Proponents claim healing can be achieved through manipulation of...
Laser Therapy

Laser Therapy – What Is It?

Laser therapy or medicine is the use of various types of lasers in medical diagnosis, treatment, or therapy. Types of lasers used in medicine...