Tag: Energy
How Are We All Connected?
Question: Can you explain how we are all connected?
Answer: There are so many levels upon which one may answer this question. I will attempt...
How Do I Meet My Spirit Animal Guide
Question: How do I meet my spirit animal guides? Answer: There are many beliefs and practices around animal guides. It has been shared with me...
What Tools Do Shamans Use?
Question: What are the tools Shaman's use? I heard they use drugs to induce their spirit walks.
Answer: Allow me to first state that what...
Message From The Whispers In The Winds: A New View For The World
It has come to be that most see the world in a linear manner. A polarity based duality that is purely analytical, competitive in...
Creator Or Victim? What’s Your Mindset?
How we experience reality is determined by the beliefs we hold and the “lenses” through which we choose to view the world. Our Mindset...