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Healing Depression Through Reiki

Healing Depression Through Reiki

On first meeting Helen* you could assume she was just having a bad day. You know the ones, where no matter what anyone else...
change in the energy

Change In The Energy. A Spiritual Message.

What a week! Have you felt the change in the energy? Has your life been turned upside down? Do you know many others who...
no energy

When You Feel Like You Have No Energy, What Can You Do To Get...

What can you change in your life when you have no energy? Over the past few weeks, I have been really real with you...

Why Does The Energy In Everyday Life Feel So Different Lately?

Everything is changing and all old fears and subconscious beliefs are leaving. This is the perspective from a channel allowing nonphysical to heal through...

Depression Does Not Have To Be a Forever Illness

Depression does not have to be a forever illness, I have seen many people overcome it with great success. With about 80% of the population...