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Tag: Energy Vibration

Reconnective Healing - What Is It

Reconnective Healing – What Is It?

Reconnective Healing® is a form of healing that is here on the planet for the very first time. It reconnects us to the fullness...
Pranic Healing

Pranic Healing – What Is It?

Pranic  healing encompasses a broad array of therapeutic approaches, both ancient and modern, based on the notion that illnesses of body or mind involve...
The Zen Swing

The Zen Swing: A Simple Way To Cultivate Healing Life-Force

The zen Swing is a chi (life-force) cultivating exercise given to me by way of my soul so that I may share it with...

A Healthy Mindset. You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have

Today’s gyms are loaded with people desperately trying to transform their sagging bottoms, beer bellies, chunky cheeks and flabby triceps into a beautiful, slim,...
Ayurveda Herbal Energetics

Ayurveda/Herbal Energetics

Ayurveda means “The Science of Life” and therefore the science of herbal energetics. This is an ancient system used to determine the qualities and...