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Tag: Emotional Wellbeing


What Drives Your Reaction To Different Situations?

I had forgotten how many squirrels are in the Midwest. Every time I walk into the backyard where I am staying, at least one...
Set Fire To Your Emotions

Learning To Set Fire To Your Emotions

There are times in every person’s life that become stressful and frustrating. It is part of the human experience. Even the most spiritual people...
The Beauty of Imperfection

Wabi Sabi: The Beauty of Imperfection

Ring the bells that still can ring. Forget your perfect offering. There is a crack, a crack in everything. That's how the light gets in. —Leonard Cohen Tucked away...
The Art Of Authenticity

The Art Of Authenticity

The painter picks up a brush. The writer runs her hand over a fresh sheet of paper. The sculptor arranges her tools. The potter moistens...

Spirituality & The New Feminism

The first time I heard the word "feminism," it sounded to me like there were rocks in the speaker's throat. I don't remember how...