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Tag: Emotional Wellbeing

The Greatness Principle

The Greatness Principle. How Can It Help You?

A few weeks ago I went to a very cool networking event. At the event there were some very inspiring speakers, one of them...
change in the energy

Change In The Energy. A Spiritual Message.

What a week! Have you felt the change in the energy? Has your life been turned upside down? Do you know many others who...

Why Does The Energy In Everyday Life Feel So Different Lately?

Everything is changing and all old fears and subconscious beliefs are leaving. This is the perspective from a channel allowing nonphysical to heal through...

Health & Wellness Tips. Being Real – Feel Your Emotions

How do you feel your emotions? I've just had an amazing interview with Sara Allard, our Feng Shui expert. We had planned to talk about a...
Phillip Hughes

Phillip Hughes Death. Why Does The Death Of Famous People Affect Us So Much?

I've just had a brilliant conversation with two of my girlfriends. We started out talking about how one of us is passionate about stopping...