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Tag: Anxiety

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Health & Wellness Tips. 5 Benefits Of Massage

So many of us know that is it beneficial for us to have a massage. Many of us still see it as a treat...

Are You Too Busy To Help Yourself? Are You Going To Burnout?

So many of us are very busy people. We have so much pressure on us every day to get things gone. Many of us...

Are You Addicted To Drama? Do You Want To Be Free?

Eckhart Tolle believes we create and maintain problems and drama because they give us a sense of identity, it becomes a familiar pattern of...

Stress How Does It Affect Your Body?

As I mentioned in previous articles to understand what stress does to us, we have to look back thousands of years ago at a...

Anxiety And The Adrenal System. Health & Wellness Tips.

How many tigers have you had to run away from today? Many or none? I guess the answer is none. Does your body realise...