Sugar – Sweet Enough To Kill You Slowly


There are many people that are eating sugar on a daily basis without even knowing. Sugar is hidden or camouflaged in many foods that are promoted as healthy such as modern breakfast cereals, processed juices and yoghurts, white bread, milk products and muesli bars.

On the shelves there are many products where the sugar content is hidden by using many different names, anything with “ose” on the end such as fructose, lactose, sucrose, ribose, glucose is sugar.

On a food label the higher quantity ingredients will be listed first. Many food manufacturers break down a large quantity of sugar into different sugars so that each individual sugar appears further down the list and the sugar content does not look so daunting.

This is done knowing that the average person does not know all the different names of sugar.

Why All The Fuss About Sugar?

When carbohydrates, (sugars), are eaten in any form without an adequate mix of quality proteins and fats to stabilise blood sugar levels, many things can happen within the body. As we eat sugar we will experience a rise in blood sugar levels.

As this occurs the adrenal glands release insulin to clear the blood sugar from the system and this can result in a crash in blood sugar and then energy. If this is happening on a regular basis it is very hard for our system to maintain stable energy within the body.

Over time this leads to health issues such as body fat storage, stressed adrenal glands, chronic fatigue, type II diabetes, gout, Candida overgrowth, thrush infections, mood swings, depression and suppressed immune function. The list goes on.

People perceive that they are eating healthily when they have their packaged cereals, toast with jam and juice for breakfast. Unfortunately, if we break all of this down we find that it is predominantly simple sugars.

You cannot possibly generate good energy from these types of foods. No matter what a person’s Metabolic Type is we all need to maintain a correct balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and oils with every meal and snack.

It does not matter how young or old, doing this will work to maintain blood sugar in a controlled fashion.

Unfortunately, most children are going to school after this sort of breakfast, hence the increase in hyperactivity disorders in school age children.

When we look at the fact that one-teaspoon of sugar can suppress the immune system for up to 4 hours this can cause havoc within the body over time. More and more people are becoming aware that sugar is bad for our health.

What many do not realise is that healthy items like dates, raisins, bananas, or other foods that have a very high sugar content (glycemic index), when eaten alone without fats, oils and proteins have the same effect as refined sugar.

Although they carry nutritional value, they can still be very disruptive to the hormonal system of the body. It is extremely important for your health to know how to properly food combine to stabilise blood sugar levels.

This creates steady energy not only for your body but also for your brain function and mood. Sugar makes the body acid! When the body becomes acid the PH levels and many hormones become disrupted.

Fungal & Parasitic Infections

Long-term consumption of sugar in any form will lead to poor health. As our health deteriorates our vitality decreases. Our internal environment shifts to a point where our body is now a good place for fungal infections and parasite infections to live.

Both of these live and thrive on sugar and as you continue to eat it, even if it perceived as healthy, these organisms will flourish in your system.

Common problems that occur when somebody has a fungal infection are dandruff, vaginal yeast infections, athlete’s foot, jock itch etc.

People with intestinal parasite infections are usually under-nourished and weak, infected with viral, fungal, or bacteria, and have various types of chemical and metal poisoning. Human intestinal parasites can be present in any disease, in any person, at any age.

They are responsible for many health problems because they secrete toxins and steal the vital nutrients from our bodies. They can irritate or exaggerate other health problems you may be experiencing. Everyone is at risk and under their mercy during parasitic infections.

We create the perfect living environment for parasites and for the feeding of fungal infections when the bowel becomes ineffective in the elimination of our waste products.

The build-up of faecal material on the walls of the colon is attributed to constipation and the amounts of junk food, chemicals, bad fats and sweets we consume.

To clear this type of infection an anti fungal diet must be followed. This includes eliminating all sugars, fruits, and below ground vegetables because of their high sugar content.

Concentrate on good quality meat, chicken, fish and above ground vegetables. Eating right for your metabolic type is very important. Information sourced from “You are what you eat Cd series and How to Eat move and be Healthy both by Paul Chek

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Michelle Owen

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