The Sugar & Cancer Connection

sugar & cancer connection

Cancer is very serious and I hope that this information about sugar & cancer connection will help you or someone you know. In most cases, the consumption of sugar WILL increase the pace that cancerous tumours will grow.

Foods That Feed Cancer Cells – Here Is Why:

1. Tumours actually have their own insulin receptors and when we consume any form of sugar (including fructose), it gets shuttled into the tumour.

2. Glucose is energy and can fuel the tumour to grow.

3. Excessive sugar/glycogen in your blood will make your body acidic, a perfect growing condition for cancer cells to thrive.

4. When we break down sugars in the body, lactic acid is created as a bi-product. This makes your body even more acidic.

5. Cancerous tumours themselves, create more acid by the way of lactic acid.

However, cancer cells struggle to grow in an alkaline environment and even can decline.

Learn more about Gaining and Understanding of Cancer in our FREE Holistic health magazine

Prevention of Cancer Disease – So What Can You Do?

1. Avoid adding any form of sugar to your diet. This includes fruit juices, brown or raw sugar, high fructose corn syrup and of course sucrose from white table sugar.

2. Limit products that get broken down into blood sugar very quickly. Eg. Pasta made from processed white flour gets broken down almost immediately and although it doesn’t contain sugar, it converts to glycogen in the body and can fuel cancer cells.

3. Never consume fruit juices. Yes they have antioxidants, but they are also full of easy to absorb sugar. Eat a piece of fruit instead that still has its fibre intact. Supplement vitamins and minerals.

4. Avoid any foods with a label or more than one ingredient. If you do choose to eat processed foods, PLEASE look at the label and see how much sugar has been added. This might be represented as sucrose, high fructose corn syrup, glucose or alcohol sugars.

In a lot of cases, “sugar” will be listed, sneakily followed by two or three other ingredients which are also forms of sugar. 95% of processed foods will have sugar added to make it taste better and tempt you consume more.

Increasing food manufacturer’s profits… at the cost of your health.

Even products like tomato soup that you certainly wouldn’t expect to contain sugar, often contains over 5 teaspoons per can. Proceed with caution. All the little bits adds up. Breakfast cereals tend to be the worst false representation of a healthy food.

5. Eat lots of leafy green vegetables that are high in chlorophyll and will reduce your body’s PH balance. Wheat grass powder is also a great way of getting your greens and reducing your body’s PH.

6. Limit your consumption of beef, pork and lamb to once or twice a week. Try to eat mainly fish and free range chicken/eggs as other sources of protein. When our stomach breaks down meats, it creates more acid.

7. Limit coffee to one to two cups a day. Coffee increases acidity.

8. Exercise regularly, but not to excess. Excessive exercise increases lactic acid production.

9. Make sure you get ample rest and recovery. When we are stressed or tired, our body’s adrenal cortex secretes higher levels of cortisol. This will make us more stressed, mess with our other hormones and contribute to immunity dysfunctions.

Are you now seeing the sugar & cancer connection?

Sugar Feeds Disease – Sugar really is one of the largest factors contributing to our worlds rapidly increasing cases of heart disease, diabetes and cancer.

Avoid it and reduce your chances of getting one of these diseases. If you are unfortunate enough to already have one, remove sugar from your diet and I assure you that you will not only feel better, but you will also have a much better quality of life.

It is no coincidence that as our sugar consumption has increased over the past 20 years, the cases of degenerative disease have risen at a comparative level.

We now consume 35% less fat than we did 20 years ago, but our average sugar consumption has risen from 26 lbs to 135 lbs per year.

We need to open our eyes and demand that food manufactures stop sneaking sugar into everything we eat. It’s making us sicker but unfortunately no one is standing up for our rights to have more transparency and education about what is really in our food.

You can make a stand by no longer supporting the big food manufacturers and stop buying their sugary processed foods. Support your local farmers, eat real food and learn how to fall in love with FOOD again!

Sugar & Cancer Connection – Everyone needs to know about this information, especially those suffering with cancer. I hope that this information will be of help to you and others you know! You may also be interested in our holistic health articles and CANCER – Is Your Gut Bacteria Putting You At Risk?

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Matt Straight – Nutritionist

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