Slippery-N-Slimy Seaweed – Protect Yourself With Weeds From The Sea


Weeds from the sea? You ask. What do they have to do with protection? Quite a lot, actually. Yep, I’m talking about seaweed, my friends.

And I want to tell you that it’s not just that underwater stuff for Nemo to hide in or the slimy green goo that gives you the willies when it tickles your ankles during an ocean swim.

Seaweeds (there are many kinds), as a matter of fact, are a superfood you might want to invite into your home and diet.

I’ve been enjoying seaweed as a regular part of my diet for many years. And while I have yet to experiment with it beyond traditional Japanese dishes like sushi and miso soup, I love it just the same.

Why? Because it is absolutely chock full of key nutrients for my body. And more than that, it’s one of the most powerful anti-radiation edibles mother earth grows for us.

Here’s a small taste – pun intended icon smile Slippery N Slimy Protect Yourself With Weeds From The Sea – of what seaweed can do for you …

  • It’s abundant in Iodine.
  • It’s an ideal source for essential and trace minerals like: calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, sodium, zinc, copper, chloride, sulfur, bromine, manganese, phosphorous, arsenic, vanadium, cobalt, selenium, and fluorine.
  • Supports your cardiovascular system thanks to its cardiotonic constituents.
  • It strengthens circulation, helps lover cholesterol and nourishes your heart muscle.

But more than these things, seaweeds – especially the brown ones – are a powerful protection against radiation.

Research has uncovered that one of the main ingredients in many seaweeds, called alginic acid, has the delightful tendency to bind with radioactive materials and heavy metals in the body.

Once bound, these are quickly eliminated by your body. The results? A reduction of between 50-90 percent in the absorption of radioactive bad guys by your body.

Not bad, eh? Other studies have show that seaweeds can remove heavy metals like mercury, lead, barium and cadmium from body tissues.

Seaweeds are also great for nourishing your hormonal system (both women and men), your digestive system and your brain.

My favorite seaweeds are Dulse and Wakame, but there are many kinds to choose from like Bladderwrack, Irish Moss, Kombu, Nori, Hijiki and Spirulina, to name a few.

Here’s an ‘easy-peasy’ seaweed recipe for you to experiment with. Give it a try and let me know how you like it icon smile Slippery N Slimy Protect Yourself With Weeds From The Sea

Dawny’s Seaweed Miso Soup


  • 1.5 quarts pure water
  • 2 Tbsp organic red miso paste
  • 1 large organic carrot, thinly sliced
  •  large handful of dried Wakame, broken into small pieces
  • 1 organic green onion, chopped
  • I handful of organic tofu, chopped into small cubes
  • Dash of organic tamari soy sauce
  • Dash of organic sesame oil
  • Sprinkle of toasted, organic sesame seeds
  • Sprinkle of toasted, crushed organic flax seeds

How To:

  • Boil water and reduce to simmer
  • Remove 1 cup of water and place in small saucepan
  • Place carrots, tofu and Wakame is simmering water
  • Add a dash of Tamari and a dash of oil
  • As veggies & tofu cook, add miso paste to separated water
  • Blend until all solid material is gone
  • When carrots are slightly soft, remove pot from heat
  • Add miso water
  • Sprinkle with green onion, sesame and flax seed

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Dawn DelVecchio

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