STUCK? Going Nowhere Fast? You know you deserve more in life. You can feel it in your soul that you are supposed to be doing something bigger. But what?
Afraid to try new things for fear that you might make the wrong decision? Afraid to move for fear that something bad might happen? Afraid to be YOU, for fear of people not accepting you or someone laughing at you?
On the Fast Track to nowhere on The Fear Train? Toot Toot… The Fear Train says I think I can’t…I know I can’t…What if…Oh No…I’m scared…What was I thinking… Nevermind. It is time to step off the FEAR train! It is time to step into your brilliance and your own YOUniqueness!
We all came to this planet for a reason. Each and every one of us has a life purpose that we were meant to live. Each and every one of us was meant to be happy, joyful, healthy and wealthy.
YES – EVERY ONE OF US regardless of what we look like or where we were born are meant to have everything we want in life.
In this big bad world of ours, we see and hear things to be fearful of all the time. War, disease, homelessness, unemployment, poverty, murders, the 1% and the list goes on.
Fear breeds more fear and keeps us frozen in time – afraid to make any changes. We start to act the part – the victim of the machine with no hope and no glory.
All this negativity keeps us on the Fear Train. Fear can keep you hidden in the closet forever. You go nowhere and you get nothing good in return – just more fear with the feeling of sadness, emptiness and frustration.
You can throw away the closest key or you can decide RIGHT NOW to start valuing yourself, trying new things and starting to enjoy life. You will stumble along the way. We all do. Even SUPER successful people stumble along the way.
But they get up, dust themselves off and continue on their way knowing they were meant to live life to its fullest. There is no time to wallow in all the mistakes you have made in life. Mistakes make you stronger not weaker.
Who do you know that has never made a mistake? (A real person you know personally) Be honest with yourself, you know the answer.
Right now I want you to know something! YOU are beautiful, smart, funny and brave!
Every square inch of you is Beautiful. Your big thighs or your big butt, your graying hair even your laugh lines. You are beautiful on the inside.
It is now time to let the beauty that lives inside of you to shine through to the outside. Stand tall, show people who you really are and be proud of it.
You Are Smart
You know what you know and you are good at it. Being a know-it-all isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Don’t you want to be recognized for your own talents instead of what everyone else knows? In order to stand out, you need to stand up and be proud of what you do.
You Are Funny
Maybe only a handful of your close friends and family laugh at your jokes. What’s the problem with that? You have your own flair and not everyone gets you. That’s fine – think of it as your inside joke.
You Are Brave
You have it in you right now to step off the Fear train. You can feel it in your soul, that urge to take the leap but you hold yourself back. It’s time to dig deep and find the courage and strength that lives within you to let go of the Fear that prevents you from having all your dreams come true .
The Love & Hope Train is leaving the station, TOOT! TOOT! TOOT! Are you ready to unplug from the sources of fear that rule your life? Are you ready to step on to the Love & Hope train and be counted for as a unique and worthy individual?
I know deep down you are! Let’s go – let’s go on the Love & Hope train.
Make a promise to yourself that you will change or do something new every day. What those things are is up to you.
Some Suggestions To Get You Started Are:
- Find classes at a local new age store or wellness center and start to explore your creative side – painting, drawing, knitting, interior design, writing, etc.
- Walk or drive a different route – This changes up the pattern of your life. This will gives you new things to look at and admire.
- Buy a new outfit or shoes that you feel good in and are proud to wear.
- Go after that new job. It doesn’t hurt to try. If you don’t do it, you’ll never know if you would have gotten it.
- Make a plan to go back to school to realize your dream job.
- Trust your instinct – know that no one else but you knows you and your body better than anyone else. Don’t be afraid to speak up when you know something isn’t right.
- Daydream and feel what it would be like to have your dreams come true.
I know you have it in you. I really do hope I see you on the Love & Hope train. Don’t want to do it alone- bring a friend along. The more the merrier and the happier and more peaceful the world will be.
Be Well my Spirit Ones.
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Tami Reagor is a spiritual and motivational coach and teacher holding certifications in ThetaHealing®, Reiki and Holistic Health Coaching. Her spiritual coaching draws upon her own inner work and training.
She utilizes many mind/body medicine techniques in her private sessions, classes and workshops to facilitate healing and learning. She works with her patients to change their perspective and release the fear and resentment they have about their body and life so that they can start living the life they dream of.