Build Your Immune System – Practical Help

immune system

Well, this wasn’t the start to a new decade that we were expecting is it? With bushfires and now a global pandemic it’s a challenging and uncertain time for all of us. I hope that you and your family are coping ok right now. I am sure you might need some help to build your immune system during Covid-19.

I realise that it’s likely you’re feeling overwhelmed with information (I know I am) and all you probably want are some practical tips and product recommendations to get you and your family through this time with as much resilience as possible.

So, I want to give you these simple tips, for supporting immune health and how to strengthen your immune system. I need to make this clear that this is NOT to ‘treat’ Covid-19. Supporting your immune system gives your body a fighting chance to stay well. I hope you find it helpful as well as our free holistic health magazine on How to Build Your Immune System.  

All of the following compounds are integral to how to boost immune system health especially in response to infection and boost immunity.


Vitamin C
Vitamin A
Vitamin D

Plant Compounds:

Green tea
Curcumin (Turmeric)

Herbal Medicine:

Baical Skullcap
Japanese Knotweed
Olive leaf

How to Improve Immune System and Boost Immunity

So, how do you go about utilising these nutrients at home? Here’s some ideas how to boost immunity.

Add garlic to everything you can get away with. It’s more effective if it’s raw so try crushing and adding at the very end of cooking or sprinkle on top of avocado toast, or eggs and mushrooms.

Put fresh ginger through the juicer or blender and add to juices and smoothies.

Yoghurt is an easy source of probiotics if it’s fresh and alive. It’s surprisingly easy to make at home (even without a yoghurt maker) but brands like Vaalia and Jalna Biodynamic are good options at the supermarket.

Try gargling the last few mouthfuls of your green tea. In a study it was shown to reduce the likelihood of catching flu so can’t hurt to add this to your tea drinking routine.

Have a supply of immune nutrients on hand to supplement your diet until the acute phase of the pandemic is over. Most retail brands will have products containing the above nutrients but here’s my pick of what’s available over the counter in health food stores and pharmacies. (This are Australian).

Ethical Nutrients – Extra C Zingles, Immune Defence, Mega Zinc
Kiwiherb – Children’s Echinature, Echiberry, Immune Guard, Destuff
Sambucol – Kids Immunity Gummies (contain wheat) and liquid
Fusion Health Kids – Astra 8 Immune Shield, Kids Cold and Flu Figher
Cod liver oil – Melrose, Carlson, Brauer brands
Herbs of Gold – Chewable immune booster
Nutra Organics – Acai Berry Blend

As a naturopath, I can also prescribe practitioner products for the above so I’m setting aside time to help anyone who would like to access these over the next 3 months to help during COVID-19. This can be done via a phone or skype/zoom call and can be booked online HERE. 

I’m calling it a Mini Script Consult, a 15 minute consult for $30 to help you with immune support through this time. This is also suitable if you’d like a herbal mix made up from the above medicinal herbs which can be personalised to your health presentation. 

I know it’s a challenging time with family members that we might be concerned for and all the disruptions to our lives. It’s hard to avoid feeling anxious and stressed and that can affect our sleep and ability to function well. Take it easy and lets get through this together. If I can help during Covid-19 pandemic in any other way, don’t hesitate to let me know. 

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Jayne Larkins – Naturopath

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