Physicians: Ketogenic, Paleo, Atkins Diets Curb Alzheimer’s, Diabetes & Aid Weight Loss


The high-fat, low-carb ketogenic, Paleo and Atkins diets can prevent Alzheimer’s disease and promote rapid weight loss, say physicians.

Low-carb, high-fat diets such as the ketogenic, Atkins and Paleo diets have proven effective for promoting rapid weight loss, but can also prevent Alzheimer’s, heart disease and dementia, say physicians.

Reducing carbs and increasing fat intake protects brain health and reduces inflammation, which is what fuels many diseases.

Neurologist Dr. David Perlmutter, author of the bestseller, Grain Brain, said there’s a “perfect correlation” between sugar and Alzheimer’s disease.

Indeed, studies show there are similarities between the brain cells of Alzheimer’s patients and individuals with type 2 diabetes.

Dr. Jay Lehr is a 79-year-old Ironman triathlete who credits a low-carb, high-fat ketogenic Paleo diet for his health and vitality (Jay Lehr).

According to Perlmutter, a grain-heavy, high-carb diet causes brain shrinkage and leads to weight gain, diabetes and almost every degenerative disease known to man.

A high-carb diet fuels blood-sugar surges, which cause inflammation, which in turn has a catastrophic impact on brain cells and the entire body, explained Perlmutter.

“Carbs are devastating for the brain,” Perlmutter told Examiner. “Even slight elevations in blood sugar have been shown to increase the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Perlmutter says we can ward off — and in some instances reverse — heart disease, diabetes and ADHD by following a low-carb, high-fat diet.

‘The Brain Thrives On Fat-Rich, Low-Carb Diet’ Perlmutter said high-quality saturated fats have neuroprotective properties that have been shown in numerous studies to prevent dementia and other brain diseases.

“Fat is your friend,” said Dr. Perlmutter. “The brain thrives on a fat-rich, low-carbohydrate diet.”

Perlmutter recommends a low-carb diet — limiting carbs to no more than 80 grams a day — and eating lots of high-quality dietary fats, such as extra-virgin olive oil, avocado, grass-fed butter, wild fish, grass-fed beef, coconut oil and nuts.

Perlmutter isn’t alone in his assessment that the low-carb, high-fat ketogenic, Paleo and Atkins diets can curb disease.

Cardiologist William Davis, author of the bestseller Wheat Belly, said reducing carbs and eliminating wheat from your diet reverses type 2 diabetes and prevents heart disease.

And obesity expert Dr. Eric Westman said the low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) ketogenic and Atkins diets produce rapid weight loss without exercise.

Westman, director of the Duke University Obesity Clinic, has helped hundreds of morbidly obese people lose thousands of pounds on the LCHF ketogenic, Paleo and Atkins diets.

“I tell my patients not to fear the fat,” said Dr. Westman, co-author of Keto Clarity. “Eat lots of fat. Fat makes you feel full. There’s no problem with fat.”

Scientists: Ketogenic Diet Can Starve Cancer

The ketogenic diet has also been touted for its capacity to manage cancer. Dr. Thomas Seyfried of Boston College told Examiner the low-carb ketogenic diet can beat chemotherapy for almost all cancers.

Seyfried’s decades of research indicate cancer is a metabolic — not a genetic — disease. And his research shows the ketogenic diet effectively treats aggressive metastatic cancer in mice.

The ketogenic diet can manage cancer because cancer is a metabolic disease, says researcher Thomas Seyfried of Boston College.

These same anti-cancer properties have also been observed in human cancer patients and reported in published studies. Today, there are about a dozen studies that are investigating the use of the ketogenic diet to manage all kinds of cancer.

Dr. Seyfried, the author of Cancer As a Metabolic Disease, says the time has come for the medical community to publicly acknowledge the viability of the ketogenic diet as an inexpensive, non-toxic way to treat cancer.

“The ketogenic diet may one day replace the standard of care for most cancers,” said Dr. Seyfried.

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ketogenicMalcolm McLean – Ketosis Specialist

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  1. Based on a recent study published in Nature scientists say that a huge reduction in meat eating is necessary to prevent climate damage involving droughts, famine, deforestation, spread of diseases, uninhabitable areas, etc. Is this not very unhealthy for future generations?


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