Phillip Hughes Death. Why Does The Death Of Famous People Affect Us So Much?

Phillip Hughes

I‘ve just had a brilliant conversation with two of my girlfriends. We started out talking about how one of us is passionate about stopping human slavery and that she is on the board of an association to help the victims involved.

We also spoke about Global Healing Exchange and how I feel we have to change the perception of society’s mentality as a whole to be able for them to see past the lies we have been fed about the pharmaceutical industry and make people see it is a BUSINESS making money off of people who are unwell and it dis-empowers and controls people.

Then we got onto the conversation about Phillip Hughes, the Australian cricketer who recently died after a cricket ball hit him in the neck and killed him almost instantly.

After hearing about Phillip Hughes, one of the girls was in so much shock that she and her partner could not talk to each other.

They are so passionate about cricket and have made it a part of their life. We spoke about why one of us was more affected than the other two of us. Although terribly sad, we don’t have the emotional attachment to the story as much as our friend still has.

One of the viewpoints from my 2nd friend was that is was a tragic sad accident but for her it feels like people went into a social media frenzy with the photos with their caps sitting on their bats to show respect to him but it was a pure accident and he died doing what he loved.

She wished that people had the same response to stopping slavery in the world (as we all do).

The friend who LOVES cricket was very passionate (actually all of my friends are very passionate people) about her view of feeling justified about feeling feelings of sadness and for some others feeling grief.

I suggested the reason that one of us is more triggered than the other two of us is that this experience was triggering something in her that she is currently very passionate about.

This is, she has two young children and it triggered the feeling of loss of her children and the feeling of lack of control and the realisation that our lives do not always go as we plan and that we are not able to control anything in our lives, we only think we can.

It was not necessarily the loss of Phillip Hughes (even though that is PART of it) that affected my 1 st friend, but what he represented to HER and her partner as they watched the game when he died, they play cricket as a family and they watch cricket religiously on the TV. Part of her feels like her life has changed.

Myself and my other friend on the other hand do not have the same trigger. She also has two children but not the trigger, I don’t have children and although we both feel the situation was terribly sad, we don’t have the same emotional response as so many other people here in Australia (and maybe globally too).

Now if there was an incident which triggered my 2nd friend about slavery she would be as passionate about responding as my first friend, and for me if something happened about injustice and people trying to control people I would respond the same way (and have recently). Read my article here.

Back to Phillip Hughes… When this happened tens of thousands of people posted their respect photos all across the social media.

It reminded me about the mass grief that happened years ago when princess Diana died in the UK (although there was no social media back then).

In fact I can still remember where I was when I heard the news (getting ready for my Sunday morning karate lesson) but I digress….. I also remember how it triggered a form of depression in my sister.

The fact of the matter is we all get emotional triggers from different things. We have been led to believe we are all separate beings but underneath it all we are connected. What happens to other people affect us all, on a lesser or more degree but it does affect us.

I believe that when a mass of emotional grief, anger, or any other emotion happens it is a great thing because it makes us realise we are not alone. It makes us realise we are not separate, that we are connected.

When this happens on a mass scale like it did with princess Diana, Robbin Williams or Phillip Hughes it impacts so many of us and makes us question what really matters to us and makes us feel we are part of each other – even if it is only grief that brings us together.

Things happen in the world for a reason and many of us are realising that when we work together as a collective, we have more momentum and we get more done. We can do better in the world together.

So for me the moral in this story is, when a mass of grief (or emotion) is poured out, we come together as a collective, we realise we are not separate, we realise we can achieve SO MUCH MORE.

Imagine if we can do this with grief or sadness, how much will we achieve with passionate, joy or love?

I came out of that conversation with even more determination to make a difference and I know in following my passion and speaking my truth I will find more people just like me who want to make this world a place where people love themselves enough to look after their body.

Nourish themselves, get rest, love themselves as well as one another, as well as empowering themselves with information rather than being controlled. What are you passionate about. I would love you to tell me in the comments below.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Sharon WhiteSharon White

If you would like to learn more and work with me one on one I would love to work with you. I am passionate about people having a voice, being heard and creating the change you want in your life.

You can contact me at to see how I can help you. Sharon is the founder of Global Healing Exchange. You can work with her on her Emotional Freedom Program here.

I would also like to thank Sonya Lovell for the use of her photograph.

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