My Philosophy To Maintaining Great Health Part 2 – Eat Well

Eat Well

Do you eat well? There are SO many diets out there sometimes we are bombarded with so many ways to eat that it is not easy to know what and who to believe. I like to think back to the caveman times. What did we eat back then?

Meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, pulses. There was no processed food back in those days; in fact only 100 years ago we are eating foods that we grew ourselves, and we knew what went on them.

2. Eat Well

Eating well. There are SO many diets out there sometimes we are bombarded with so many ways to eat that it is not easy to know what and who to believe. I like to think back to the caveman times. What did we eat back then?

Meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, seeds, pulses. There was no processed food back in those days; in fact only 100 years ago we are eating foods that we grew ourselves, and we knew what went on them.

In this day of fast living we are eating more and more fast foods. These are NOT good for our health. Where is the NUTRITION?

If you are eating foods out of a packet there is no Nutrition, no matter what you are lead to believe. If something can last in your pantry for weeks on end it is NOT real food.

Also when we are eating real foods, do we really know what we are eating? Do we know what chemicals and sprays go into our food?

Most of us can’t afford to eat organic foods all of the time and even if we could are we getting all of the micro-nutrients that we used to and our bodies need?

We no longer crop rotate, burn the fields to let the soils get there nutrients back before we grow more crops.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture, along with other major health organizations such as the American Heart Association and the American Cancer Society, have long stressed the importance of eating lots of fruits and vegetables as part of a healthy diet, using the food guide pyramid as an illustration.

In the past, they’ve expressed their recommendations in terms of numbers of servings daily (7-13 for adults) or numbers of cups (1 serving = ½ cup), and they continue to do so.

But what does a serving of broccoli look like? And how many baby carrots are in a cup? “Even the most well versed nutrition professionals don’t have all these measurements memorized,” the USDA says.

So they’ve made it easier by suggesting that you “fill half your plate with fruits and vegetables at each meal or eating occasion “Making fruits and vegetables the focal point of every meal will help you meet your recommended amount each day, and you won’t have to do all the math!”

Of course just because they’ve made it easier for you to understand how many fruits and vegetables you need to eat every day doesn’t make it any easier to actually do it.

I believe we need to supplement our foods as we can’t physically eat enough per day to get what we need out of it.

Great Nutrition…

  • Is an essential tool to help you achieve optimal health and prevent disease!
  • Is an essential tool to help you perform at your best!

A Great Base Diet…

  • Provides adequate nutrients and energy to cope with training
  • Supports optimal recovery
  • Avoids excessive food related stress

The single most significant action that we can take to dramatically improve the state of our health is to consume more fruits and vegetables, and to exercise for 30 minutes at least 3 times per week

Here’s Why We Must Eat Fruits & Vegetables

  • Fruits and vegetables are very high in antioxidants
  • Vitamins A, C, E, Beta Carotene, Zinc and Selenium
  • Boosts immune system and protection from sickness
  • Reduce free radical damage
  • Reduce inflammation
  • The micronutrients in fruits and vegetables serve to provide a significant boost to the immune system
  • A health strong immune system provides increased protection from sickness and disease
  • The micronutrients in fruits and vegetable help repair damaged DNA
  • The DNA replication process results in healthy DNA production
  • This significantly reduces your risk for degenerative disease

Fruits & Vegetables Minimum Requirements By Age:

AgeFruits ServingsVegetable Servings
Adult Women
Age Fruits ServingsVegetable Servings
Adult Men
AgeFruits ServingsVegetable Servings

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Sharon White

Read Part 3 Here

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