Most Common Post Pregnancy Issues Plaguing New Mothers

Post Pregnancy Issues

While most deliveries are finished in a few hours, that doesn’t mean your body will bounce back right after you get home from the hospital. From vaginal issues that can be very painful to purely cosmetic issues, post-pregnancy can be just as stressful as the pregnancy itself.

Here’s what you need to know about post pregnancy issues as a new mother.

Vaginal Issues

After the delivery, your vagina might feel tender and stretched which is completely normal and known to most women. However, the discomfort will also be followed with vaginal discharge made of blood and uterine lining which can last for weeks after you get home.

Some women who breastfeed their babies tend to also experience vaginal dryness during the breastfeeding period which can make intercourse very uncomfortable.

Also, breastfeeding mothers often miss their periods for several months—possibly even until they stop practicing breastfeeding all together!

Sore Nipples

Usually, new mothers learn how to latch their baby properly to their nipples which makes the initial pain go away.

However, some women tend to find breastfeeding very painful. In order to prevent nipple soreness, allow nipples to breathe between feedings and leave them open without a bra.

You can also feed your baby more often so that it doesn’t get too greedy when latching on. Finding a more comfortable breastfeeding position can also help.

If nothing works, you can seek help with your doctor and ask for nipple soreness creams and medication to help you with these post pregnancy issues.

Breast Changes

After delivery, your breasts will probably become swollen, sore and engorged with milk. Once the swelling goes down, you can expect to notice breast sagging because your skin will be stretched out.

After some time, this can become very painful, can affect your everyday life and look aesthetically unpleasant. Luckily, breast reduction surgeries are very common today and very successful.

If you feel the need to reduce your breasts after giving birth, you can expect all sorts of benefits, emotional and social, as well as those concerning the pain reduction.

Overly large breasts often cause severe back, neck and shoulder pain that can be prevented with reduction mammoplasty.

Stomach Changes

Most women notice a brown line running down their bellies during pregnancy. After about a month, this line usually disappears, but the stretch marks, unfortunately, stay forever.

While they are more visible (red or pink) during pregnancy, later in life they become silver and more blended with your skin, but they never disappear completely.

Also, even first-time moms tend to experience some flabbiness in the stomach area after giving birth. Luckily, some exercise can get that issue settled.

Swollen Legs

Many women also experience puffiness and swelling in legs during pregnancy. Luckily, that goes away quickly after you have your baby. But, some women don’t get an instant break and start experiencing twitches in their postpartum period.

If you experience such issues, try walking them off—it usually works. But, spider veins and varicose veins might follow you for the rest of your life.

Back Pain

During pregnancy, woman’s abdominal muscles become weak which can cause back pain. Until you strengthen your abs and make them tight again, you might be suffering from these back pain issues.

Your irregular posture might also affect your back and cause discomfort and pain. While these issues go away during the first six weeks postpartum, if they don’t, make sure to see a chiropractor.

Hair Loss

Every day, the average person loses 100 hairs. However, while you’re pregnant, this number reduces due to all the hormones raging in your body. So, after your delivery, you might start losing all the hair that you didn’t lose in your pregnancy.

This process might last for up to six months after the delivery. But, soon your hair will return to its normal growth cycle.

Skin Discoloration

Some women develop discoloration around on their face that resembles a mask. However, after the baby comes, this tan-colored area around your eyes will start to disappear and your skin will clear up.

But, some women who used to have clear skin might notice redness and rashes around mouth and chin or experience skin dryness. This should go away, but if it doesn’t, you can consult your dermatologist.

This list of postpartum health issues might be long, but don’t get discouraged! Nothing in the world compares to holding your little bundle of joy in your arms for the first time—at that moment, all pain and discomfort will disappear!

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Diana Smith is a full time mom of two beautiful girls interested in topics related to health and alternative medicine. In her free time she enjoys exercising and preparing healthy meals for her family.

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