Modern Habits & Our Daily Lifestyles

Modern Habits

What are the implications? Loneliness makes us unhappy as human beings and not only that but it is also not good for your health. Studies show that loneliness is increasingly raising among young people and that one in every ten people is lonely.

Social changes in the world are slowly changing how people relate and interact with each other. Some of these are like the surge to stay in social networks, the presence of an aging population, people wanting to just stay alone, etc.

However, a pressing issue that causes loneliness, yet isolation, among the population, and young people in specific, is the money issue. Money, namely the lack of it, is one of the main reasons why young people withdraw from society, to distance themselves from ‘the shame and guilt’ of being poor.

It is very common for young people, who are not financially stable, often find themselves deprived of socialization opportunities due to lack of money. This is the case when young adults or teenagers  are invited to attend activities or events, where all their friends go, but can not afford to do so, hence, this would contribute to them feeling lonely, if not, rejected.

Overcoming Our Money Struggles

As stated above, money is one of the top reasons causing loneliness among young people. However, it is very important for these young adults to be provided with opportunities to tackle this issue and move forward.

Therefore, we have provided short but useful tips on how young people can beat loneliness by adhering this money management tips:

  • Control Your Financial Future – Start by reading a bit about the personal finance. If you do not do it, then later on someone else will do it for you, but they may be ill-intentioned or will not care about much for you like you would for yourself.
  • Be Aware Of Your Spending – This simply means to be aware of where your money is going. At this point, it is important to have in mind, that expenses should not exceed your income. Make a budget for everything, and this will help you allocate money for everything.
  • Establish An Emergency Fund – Regardless of the monthly expenses, it is highly recommended that you establish a fund, even a very low amount, for emergencies. Having such a fund can really benefit you in cases of trouble, but also will help you in improving the ‘savings’ habit.

Is Modern Life Making People Lonely?

Well, many say that people will usually feel lonely because of many reasons, most of which are triggered by life events that probably couldn’t handle.

As discussed above, the issue could be money, poor health, illness, redundancy, community problems, friends dying or just some other mind-blowing issues. You can decide to become a life coach to try to overcome some of these issues.

The loneliness starts creeping in when someone ceases to feel the sense of contribution or purpose. Bereavement will also bring about loneliness to some extent as one is trying to contemplate how they will survive without their significant other.

However, there is no historical evidence that shows loneliness.

There is some social evidence where there is data that shows that people’s social networks are becoming smaller and smaller and their families are not giving the social context standards as it would have happened some 50 years back.

This does not suggest that there are uncaring families nowadays; it is brought about by different reasons such as broken marriages, geographical distances, long working hours and also a number of caring responsibilities.

Back in the ancient days, people used to be near their elderly parents. They wanted to live near them and take good care of them at all times. In the modern world, things have changed. Circumstances force people to be away from their elderly loved ones.

It could be due to work-related issues that will have them living in almost two worlds apart. You wouldn’t want to live with an elderly woman in a city with all the noise and pollution there. So they tend to remain lonely back in the countryside.

Moreover, now with the development and quick acceleration of social media platforms, surveys have indicated that people who spend more time on social media have reported feeling more lonely as compared to those who do not.

Additionally, the average of people spending more time on these platforms on a weekly basis, have shown signs of increased sleep disturbances and distractibility.

Ultimately, knowing that a problem exists within the society is not so hard to notice, however, taking appropriate and effective measures is a real challenge.

Thankfully, there are several initiatives taking place in the UK that support youth loneliness as well as provide financial support for coming out with solutions that tackle social issues.

One of those programs is Money for Life, which grants the young people a £400 award for anyone who comes up with the best project idea related to improving any money issues within the community. 

These initiatives are a great of keeping youngsters engaged as well as developing their money, social and behavioral skills that will certainly keep them off social isolation and develop their professional careers.

Health Issues Related To Loneliness

You are advised to avoid the feeling of loneliness at all cost because of some of the reasons below.

It leads to depression. Loneliness will make you feel depressed. Studies have been conducted and have shown that most of the people who were lonely, had depressive symptoms. They clearly showed all the signs of depression. That relationship remained the same in the entire host’s lifetime.

Loneliness risks one’s life to dying early – Studies conducted have shown that loneliness also contributes a lot to premature mortality. The studies have also shown that people who do not have any social connections have a risk of consuming up to 15 cigarettes per day.

This is of course very hazardous to their health and could lead to death. The risk even exceeds that associated with physical inactivity, obesity or air pollution risks. You can become a life coach and avoid some of these instances because you will be well aware of the risks involved.

• It brings about inflammation – Studies conducted in 2007 showed that among the lonely people, the genes involved in inflammation are more active. The genetic reaction dates back to generations.

The human body will show isolation and loneliness as a huge threat just like it was some years back. The body had programmed itself that when one is alone they could be attacked by an animal or say thieves or just a rogue group of persons.

Inflammation in the human body is to protect the body from any injury and infections. However, too much of it may lead to complications or illnesses such as cancer.

Makes it hard to mingle with others – A lonely person will never have the opportunity to interact with other humans. This is a bad habit as humans are meant to live together and we cannot co-exist without one another.

Being lonely will lead to so many things. You could become a life coach and teach people about the effects of such activities. In the process, you will also not be lonely.

You can find much more information on living a holistic lifestyle in these free magazines and on our YouTube channel.

Edita is a medical student graduate. She has a big passion for medicine, and choosing to become a doctor was one of her best decisions. She believes that she can change the world for the better. She works really hard to cure people and she is always available for those in need.

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