Welcome to our community. We have webinars, podcasts, articles from our experts for you. Click here to go to the membership area. We aim to bring you the best information we can and will be adding more information on a weekly basis. I (Sharon) have hand-picked the therapists that give information in this membership area. They are qualified and SKILLED at the information they offer you. Please let us know what topics you would like our experts to cover via our Facebook community.
Check the video below for a guide to show you how to use the membership area.
GHE Members Welcome from Global Healing Exchange on Vimeo.
Please remember we do not diagnose, what we do is show you different therapies and show you how to live your life from a holistic perspective. We do not shun traditional medicine but believe both holistic and traditional medicine can work together.
To access the Private Facebook group click here. Request to be a member of the group and we will accept you once your payment has come through. Please note we will accept your request Monday – Friday.
Join our Facebook community and join with like minded individuals. You will be added to our weekly newsletter as well. I really hope you enjoy being a part of our community and get GREAT benefits for you and your family.
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Get your affiliate link, banners, swipe copy here.
Check the video below if you would like to cancel your subscription simply log in to your PayPal account and follow the video instructions. We will be sorry to see you go.
GHE Cancellations from Global Healing Exchange on Vimeo.
Remember To Join Us In Our Facebook Community.
Yours Faithfully, with love and gratitude.