Pain Conditions

Holistic Info about Pain Conditions

Are you used to taking medication to treat pain? Do you know that taking a pill is not the only way to manage pain? There are ways to manage pain without putting toxic chemicals into your body or taking pills that have many side effects.

Pain is complex, so there are many treatment options as well as medications. There are therapies and mind-body techniques to help you to manage pain. Learn more about holistic treatments for pain in our Learning Centre.

Click an expandable section below to access the eBooks, MP3 audio podcasts and videos offered by each of our authors, practitioners and experts who works in that particular context, modality or field (e.g. yoga, naturopathy, meditation, etc.) for this set of conditions.

Ancestral Medicine for Arthritis Caroline Dunn
of Ancestral Medicine Women

Caroline Dunn of Ancestral Medicine Women

ArthritisPlay and Download Now

Caroline Dunn
Ancestral Medicine for Arthritis

We'll Have Webinars on This Topic Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Arthritis & Naturopathy Jayne Larkins
of Vital Child Naturopathy

Jayne Larkins of Vital Child Naturopathy

Arthritis & NaturopathyPlay and Download Now

Jayen Larkins
Arthritis & Naturopathy

We'll Have Webinars on Naturopathy for Arthritis Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Rheumatoid Arthritis & Exercise Jill Healy-Quintard
of Body & Balance

Jill Healy-Quintard of Body & Balance

Rheumatoid Arthritis & ExercisePlay and Download Now

Jill Healy Quintard
Rheumatoid Arthritis & Exercise

We'll Have Webinars on Rheumatoid Arthritis and Yoga Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Coherence 123 and Arthritis Robert Kirby
Coherence 123

Robert Kirby - Coherence 123

ArthritisPlay and Download Now

Robert Kirby Coherence 123 for Arthritis

We'll Have Webinars on This Topic Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Natural Remedies for Arthritis Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Audio Coming Soon!
Video Coming Soon!

We'll Have Webinars on Natural Remedies Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!
Accordion Sample Description

Coherence 123 and Headaches Robert Kirby
Coherence 123

Robert Kirby - Coherence 123

HeadachesPlay and Download Now

Robert Kirby
Coherence 123 and Headaches

We'll Have Webinars on This Topic Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Natural Remedies for Migraine Headaches Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Audio Coming Soon!
Video Coming Soon!

We'll Have Webinars on This Topic Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Backache Sciatica Pain Relief Releasing Glut-Medias Ben Duong
of Active Performance Clinic

Backache Sciatica Pain Relief Releasing Glut-MediasPlay and Download Now

Ben Duong
Backache, Sciatica Pain Relief via Releasing Glut-Medias

We'll Have Webinars on This Topic Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Audio Coming Soon!
Video Coming Soon!

We'll Have Webinars on Holistic Solutions for Menstrual Conditions Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Coherence 123 and Muscle Soreness Robert Kirby
Coherence 123

Robert Kirby - Coherence 123

Muscle SorenessPlay and Download Now

Robert Kirby
Coherence 123 for Muscle Soreness

We'll Have Webinars on This Topic Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Natural Remedies for Toothaches Sharon White
of Global Healing Exchange

Audio Coming Soon!
Video Coming Soon!

We'll Have Webinars on Natural Remedies Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!

Shoulder, Neck & Spine Foam Roller Techniques Ben Duong
of Active Performance Clinic

Ben Duong of Active Performance Clinic

Shoulder, Neck & Spine Foam Roller Techniques Play and Download Now

Ben Duong
Shoulder, Neck & Spine Foam Roller Techniques

We'll Have Webinars on This Topic Soon!

Webinars Coming Soon!